
Wristwrap DMC-AWE

Page history last edited by Shylaah 14 years, 5 months ago

Written exclusively for Confessions of a Jackaholic.  Do not copy and paste elsewhere.


The DMC and AWE versions of Jack's wristwrap differ a little from the one used in CotBP.  The instructions here will yield the DMC/AWE versions on the 'working side' and when you flip it over, it will be the CotBP version!


I FINALLY figured out what the fabric is that they used for the base, the black fabric!  What a surprise it will be for  you when you finally figure it out!!  AMAZING those prop masters!!!!










Black heavy even weave fabric.

Pink-ish, yellow-ish and beige-ish yarns.  See reference pics above for colors.

With a large darning needle, weave the colored yarns the length of the black fabric using the guide above.

Unravel the edges, and ends.







Funny thing was, when I turned it over it looks remarkably close to CotBP on the reverse side!







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